
West Rand Amateur Radio Club

Established in 1938

The ERP Cycle Challenge is being held on the 14th August 2010

If you want to print the map out,( see below), right click on the map and select "Save Image as" and then print.
The route is exactly the same as last year, hence the same map. Do not be perturbed by the date on the map. All the information on the RHS of the map is still valid.
VHF should work from all the radio points, but if you have HF just take it as a backup in case.
The 120km route follows the red line, whilst the 58km route follows the red line until point 5, then they follow the blue line until point 18 where they then join the red route.
The following points have been allocated so far.
  1.  ZS6PVT    - Phillip
  2.  ZS6GRL    - Geoff                              
  4.  ZR6NPH   - Noel
  5.  ZS6RLM   - Roy
  6.  ZS6BUU   - Francois
  7.  ZS6JPV    - JP
  7.  ZS6DUG  - Doug
  8.  ZR6RON  - Ron
  9.  ZS6AGF   - Keith
11.  ZS6ARQ  - Romeo
14.  ZS6YES   - Mark
15.  ZS6RBJ   - Rory
16.  ZR6ZIP   - Denny
17.  ZR6I       - Mossie
18.  ZS6EXT  - Alan
19.  ZR6JDD  - Greg
20.  ZS6BR    - Brian
21.  ZS6ADZ  - Pierre
22.  ZR6BUC  - Gavin
23.  ZS6YOT  - Jess  (This point is situated further south from where shown on the map - just passed the entrance to the gliding club)
23.  ZS6YE    - Heather
24.  ZS6KZA  - Anre'

14 August 2010: A big thank you to all you helped make this event successful. The day turned out be be very warm after freezing conditions in the morning.
The results of the cycle challenge can be seen here


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Site updated 12 December 2010 by Geoff Levey ZS6GRL